One time I was browsing through a Christian website, and came across a book named Scandalous by D.A. Carson. I can't hide the fact that I felt impulsive to get it because of the title =P. And then I found that Mark Driscoll strongly recommends this book, so I totally went for it.
I have to say... it is good. "Scandalous" is an excellent book that explains clearly the work of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection. It provided me a deeper understanding of how every sin is a transgression against God, and more knowledge of the meaning of propitiation and redemption that was accomplished in the death of Jesus on the cross.
The first chapter talks about the "double irony" of the cross. D.A. Carson presents 4 "double ironies" from the account in Matthew 27 on the death of Jesus. I found it very neat, even though Jesus was mocked on the cross, ultimately God owns them with their own mockery.
- Jesus was mocked as the King of Jews
Matthew 27:27-31, the soldiers mocked Jesus, saying "Hail, king of the Jews!". And on verse 37, it is written the charge against Jesus, "THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS". The soldiers were making fun of Jesus, because He claimed to be the Messiah but He is now rejected and condemned. And that is the irony. But, the counter irony is that Jesus is indeed the King. Revelations 19 shows a breathe-taking description of Jesus as the rider on the white horse, and on His robe it is written "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS". Jesus is King.
- Jesus was mocked as powerless
Matthew 27:32-40, Jesus was insulted even by one of the thieves who were also crucified (Luke 23:39). The soldier casted lots on His clothing, and the public kept on shaking their heads and insulted Jesus. They kept on with saying that it is impossible that Jesus e can destroy the temple and build in in three days. And that if He is the Son of God, then He should be able to save Himself! So basically, it was ironic that Jesus proclaimed that He is the Son of God, but was powerless in this situation. But the counter irony is that Jesus is indeed powerful because what He accomplished on the cross is indescribable. He took upon Himself the wrath of God for the punishment of our sins, and He resurrected from the death three days later. Jesus defeated death! Jesus is God, powerful.
- Jesus was mocked as not able to save anyone
Matthew 27:42, the chief priests mocked Jesus saying that Jesus save others but can't save Himself. They further mocked that if Jesus can come down from the cross, they will believe in Him. The irony is that Jesus offers eternal life for those who believe in Him, but He can't save Himself on the cross. But the counter irony is that Jesus can save all those who have faith in Him because of His death on the cross. Only Jesus can live a righteous life, and His righteousness is imputed on those who believe in Him, and our sins was imputed on Him so that He will take upon the punishment (2 Cor 5:21). Only the blood of Jesus can save us.
- Jesus was mocked as not receiving help from God
Matthew 27:43, further mockery about how Jesus always said that He trusts God, but if that's the case then God should be able to rescue Him. The fact that He is not receiving any help from God is an irony. But the counter irony is that Jesus is submitting to God the Father in obedience to death on the cross, and Jesus is then exalted to the highest place, and Jesus' name is above all names (Philippians 2:9).
This is just the tip of the iceberg of how good the book is, and how powerful Jesus is.
The work on the cross of Jesus and His resurrection is real power that defeats all human works, wisdom, mockery and anything. We can only boast on the cross of Jesus, and stand amazed at the grace offered to us.
"And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [Jesus] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." - Colossians 2:15
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