Some people asked whether it is really important to know the specific meaning of those words, whether it really matters. I believe that knowing these meanings are not essential, as we are saved by grace alone through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 1:12) in Jesus Christ. That is the beauty of the gospel, that God is the one who is initiates to reconcile us by offering His Son to die for us, even though God is the one who we have sin against.
So what's the point of building our knowledge? Isn't enough to believe in God, and go to church, and serve? Sometimes, the acquirement of knowledge can be seen as negative because the Pharisees were so knowledgeable about Scripture, but they didn't worship God. Also, sometimes I see myself worshiping theology more than God himself, and that is dangerous! So I need to slap my face once in a while, because Christ is our most precious treasure (as John Piper like to say). Also, the possession of knowledge leads to pride, which I need to stab myself everyday.
I agree that the core of Christianity is not about knowledge, but about love (1 Cor 13). As C.S. Lewis explains in "Mere Christianity" that theology is not the same as God. Of course God is greater, God is the one who we worship! So, we ought to allow God to be the first in our lives. But we cannot neglect knowledge. C.S. Lewis go on to explain that theology is like a map that guide us through our lives. When you need to make decisions, when you need to choose a church, when you face a struggle, sometimes there is no clear answer of what is right or wrong. Those are the times when knowledge comes in handy to help us (in addition to prayer) to take action to do what is best according to God's will.
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God."
- Philippians 1:9-11
It seems that people think that theology is only reserved for those in full-time ministry. I do agree that not everyone has to be a master in theology, but there is gain to learn about it. Because we can better serve God (2 Timothy 2:15) if we know more, and it can help us in situations when we need to defend our faith, or test whether what is being preached is biblically true, or to teach others who are young in their faith. We are called to love God with your mind too (Matthew 22:37).
A good man shared this on last Friday, that evidence of Christian maturity (like knowledge) doesn't save you, it is grace through faith. But if you are truly saved, you would display the evidence of Christian maturity.
For me personally, building in the knowledge in theology has served to blow my mind as I am able to see how much more glorious and how much more gracious God is. Because this knowledge helps me to better understand God, and the more I learn, the more I see how majestic and awesome He is.
For a good start, I think every believer should know what is outlined here.
For fun, this video is really cool as it presents a good summary of the gospel and the Christian terms that should impact our lives.
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