On one hand, Manchester United is historically a very powerful team. Many people from Hong Kong are fans of this team (I personally don't like them haha). But this year they are not in their most powerful state, still they are able to be in the semifinals. The three goals they scored were assisted by Ryan Giggs, a living legend of Man U. He is 37 years old (spend 20 years playing for Man U) and was indeed a determining factor of this series.

Overall, experience is valuable in a person's endeavour, whether it is studies, work, ministries, relationships. Because experience teaches a person not to make the same painful mistakes and increases the knowledge framework for the individual to improve in such endeavour.
In a Christian context, experience is very valuable as well. This is not to say that people without experience shouldn't serve, as you have to start somewhere. But that mentorship and seeking advice from older people is beneficial. I remembered how encouraging and refreshing was to talk to my upper years about deep topics, and asking counsel about serving, fellowship, and Christian lifestyle. This does not mean that experience people are much more holier or better, but that their years of experience can make a difference.
In a more practical point of view, I think an individual should be connected with people more experience so that he/she can have easy access to advice. Also, an individual should be connected with younger people whom he/she can invest and share their experiences with them.
A caveat though, seek God first in all. Ask Him for wisdom first (James 1:5), but do remember that God can use brothers and sisters to speak to us as well.
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