Sunday, April 10, 2011

man of empowerment

I really haven't followed NBA for a long time. I grew up watching Michael Jordan leading the Chicago Bulls to his second 3-championships, and it was so good to watch him own other teams. Another player that I liked (though I didn't really watched him play much) is Steve Nash. Besides the fact that he is an above-average player, his role in assisting his teammates is from another dimension. What is really cool is that when he plays, his teammates perform better by scoring more points. He enables his teammates to contribute more to the team.

Nehemiah 3-4, we can see that the wall is been rebuilt. It is not Nehemiah alone, but many other people are contributing to the cause. All chapter 3 talks about different people building different sections of the wall. The vision sharing in chapter 2 really brought results by making these people take ownership of this task.

I think as a leader, I tend to like to do things all by myself. It is more efficient as I know what I am doing, and also it is a pride issue of relying on my strength and not on others'. But it is so much more edifying to delegate some tasks to other fellow servants of God. It might take more time to train and teach, but when we see them growing and learning to serve God, it is such a joyful experience. 

Also, I realized that I cannot bring a change to the fellowship by doing everything myself, but I need to share the vision that God has given me to convict others, and empower them so that they can also take part on making this vision come true by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Delegating is such a key skill that can avoid someone from burning out. At the same time, we don't want to delegate just because we want to split work to other people. But the reason of delegating is so that other people can take ownership of the fellowship (or any Christian community). When people realize that they can contribute to the fellowship, they feel "more" part of it, they develop confidence, and are encouraged to do more for our gracious God!

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