Sunday, April 17, 2011

love relationships

I was reading an online conversation from my friends with some mormons, and they were defending their views on polygamy (a man can have many wives) with bible verses from the Old Testament in which many biblical role models (David, Solomon, Abraham, Jacob) have more than one wife (or had a child with the wife's maidservant). I pointed out that not everything that is narrated in the bible is an example of moral conduct. The bible tells us stories of God's interaction with men, and clearly shows us that men are sinful and are in need of the grace of God.

It pains me that people are twisting Scripture to justify their believe in a selfish and self-gain view on marriage by taking pleasure with many wives.

Because God's purpose on marriage is such a beautiful one. Ephesians 5:25 clearly says that the love display in a marriage symbolizes the unconditional love that Jesus displayed to His bride (the church) by dying on the cross for us (His bride). And yeah, it is not because we are in any way attractive to God or that Jesus needs us, but this is a display of God's love... giving up Himself to die for His enemies.

I was reading a friend's blog, and came across with this article of  Soul Mates or Sole Mates? from boundless that I think explains well the Christian view on relationship and marriage.

Also, for the guys, these are good question to ask yourself (21 Questions for a Prospective Suitor) before pursuing a girl :P.

Furthermore, for those who are single, this is a cool video from P4CM that encourages the single Christian to wait in a very poetic way:

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