The three original movies were a classic, achieving a legendary status, and revolutionary on the time that were released. Then there were some fake movies that came out later, but that was catastrophic, and the only redeemable thing that came out of it was this:
The new movie got very positive reviews. I will abstain on taking too much about it, but I have to admit, it is very entertaining and fun, but the more I analyze it, the more I dislike it.
I want to expand on the concept of the "force", which plays a very major role on the Star Wars story. The force is this impersonal power that seems to be everywhere, and certain individuals can use or control part of it to do cool stuff (psychokinesis, mind control, reading minds, fighting abilities, etc). It seems that individuals must concentrate, focus, and train to use the force. But the force can be used for either good or evil purposes, depending on the user. There is a light side, and there is a dark side. A great deal of the story from the movies is to show the battler between both sides, and how an user from the light side can be tempted to to the dark side.
The idea of the force is very influenced by the worldview of "Pantheism". It is not my intent to describe this worldview in details, but I just want to point out a couple of key points on it:
- Pantheism describes"god" as an impersonal "force"
- The goal of man is to become one with the "force", and that is usually accomplished by denying one's individuality (via meditation, mantras, chants, etc)
- the concepts of good and evil does not really have a standard, other than favoring the process of becoming one with the force, as a "good" think (e.g. karma is considered good, as it helps me to be closer as one with the "force")
There are issues with this worldview, the major one been the classic issue of ethics, where there is no absolute standards that defines what is good and what is evil. Plus the concept of an impersonal god (consistent with the lack of standards of good and evil) is not very hopeful for a purposeful life, and the assurance that a "god" is watching over us.
In Christianity, we have a personal God, who is almighty, all powerful, and is loving and just. The fact that He is personal, and that He has created us in His image is very encouraging, because our lives are made with a purpose, and we are most satisfied when we reflect His image in our lives. This is a much more hopeful and worth "worldview" to live for. Due to God's character, there is a clear standards on what is good and what is bad, and there are instructions on how to walk in holiness.
We praise God for what he has done, by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our transgressions, so that we can find forgiveness and be reconciled to Him, so that we can live in eternity with Him.
Merry Christmas!