Wednesday, December 23, 2015

maximus decimus meridius

"What we do in life echoes in eternity." - Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator

Gladiator is one of the my favorite films of all times, and I really believe every man should watch it. It shows a character with so many commendable characteristics:  a man who is honorable, who is respected, who keeps his word, who overcomes great adversity to triumph, who fights for justice. I don't get bored at all re-watching this movie. It's also worth mentioning that a lot of the good deeds Maximums end up doing in the movie produce fruits that he did not get to enjoy.

I remembered when I was in university, an upper year brother challenged me to think about the legacy I want to leave behind in my years in school. This is a question that most people will not naturally think about, since school is usually treated as a stepping stone to get a job that pays well. Indeed, this is a question that I still think about today. How do I want to be remembered when I leave the "current place" I am in? If I am able to answer the previous question, what steps can I take to achieve it?

Often, we are placed in locations where we are just there temporary (5 years in school, a job placement, a full-time job, etc) and it is very tempted to do the minimum to get by or to work hard only on the aspects that will benefit us (e.g. work extra hours at a job to please my manager). But how about helping those around us (which is outside of our "job description")? How about making a positive impact on the people that I see everyday at work?

This is often challenging especially when the responsibilities of the "job description" is already stressful enough.

I have been swimming through a bit of disappointments at my current job for some time now, and it got significantly worst when changes occurred on my job management (people moving to different teams, people leaving, people getting fired). So it is easy to be demotivated and wanting to just do the minimum.

But God has called us to do our best in the work we do, as if we are working for Him (Col. 3:23) and we are also called to be the salt and light of this world (Matthew 5). And even if life is tough, we are called to do our best in all situations, walk that extra mile, and be a good witness in all. Even if the my work employers does not appreciate the work that I do, I can only find assurance and peace when I know that my efforts are pleasing our ultimate Boss, the our great Father, our great King.

so much to learn...

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