Saturday, August 29, 2015

end of an era

Yep, I have moved out from the place known as "OPP", and it was a pretty hectic week dealing with packing and moving lots of stuff. In the future I should consider taking at least a day off when moving.

I have been blessed with being part of a house where all members are fellow believers. We share common goals, and we naturally share the things we have, and we do our chores, and we encourage one other. Also, we usually open up our place for other people to come over for many type of activities such as fellowship, small group, worship practice, inviting good friends for dinner, movie nights, etc.

Definitely, choosing who to live with is a very important decision.

God has taught me a lot in terms of serving others through my years in undergrad (when I used to live at westcourt) and afterwards at OPP. 

One aspect of community that I like is to be able to have people gather outside of the weekly meetings (church, small group) so that we can get to know people more on smaller group settings, and be able to serve and encourage them better. Many times, great discussions and encouragements come from unplanned gatherings.

There are many good memories at OPP, even though I was happy to leave, part of me does miss being there. I was slightly panicking on last Saturday that this would be my last Saturday I get to sleep in at my old room. Yeah, I was the last one to leave, and got to spend a few solemn minutes one-on-one with the empty apartment. 

It is indeed the end of an "era" that corresponded with my life stage of transitioning from school to work. Now I do look forward on what God has prepared on my future place, and there will certainly be no end for more fellowship to occur.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

It was a good era :) Praise God for all He's done through OPP! Some very precious memories and strong relationships were built inside those walls. Bonding with the OPP folks through FFX, sharing, food and laughter was definitely one of the highlights of my undergrad. Super-grateful to have been part of it :)

A new adventure awaits in your new home!