Friday, April 30, 2010


Now that I am done undergrad, it feels quite strange. It is good to be done, but it hasn't hit me yet the fact that I am DONE. It will take some time for emotions to kick in, but definitely there is a mix of emotions being sensed as my undergrad period ends. Though I was not feeling anything in particular when I finished my last exam. But when I walk on campus now, it is strange.

Anyways, some people asked me about the things I have learned during these years. There are so many, and I need more time to process my thoughts. But I have in mind mistakes that I made. There aren't regrets though since God has allowed my mistakes, I know there is a reason.

Every time I wake up, I am aware of how weak I am, and that I am so prompt to make mistakes. But it is only by the grace of God that despite these mistakes, He still do good things through me. It is because of His mercy that I am not consumed by His wrath.

So here are a few mistakes I made:
  • Did not build relationships with classmates
  • Rarely ate with housemates
  • Felt frustration when I see a problem in the fellowship
  • Too prideful to ask for help
  • Isolated myself in times of struggle
  • Too busy to take care of the people who needed me the most
  • Failed to integrate in Christian communities in some work terms
  • Too scared to share the gospel to the people around me
  • Not much friends who are non-believers
  • Relied on myself when I should have surrender to God
  • Put duty over heart
  • Passive in times when I need to speak up or rebuke
There are many more for sure, but these are the main ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting.. cause sometimes people don't like to talk about regrets in order to try to move on, but it's true how we learn from those mistakes. Thanks for sharing your mistakes list so that others can learn from it!