Monday, April 12, 2010


5 years of Waterloo has taught me soooooooo much.... like being numb to any pain inflicted by the department of Electrical Engineering =P

One of the greatest lessons I learned is to invest in people. I have been graced by God to be part of this wonderful family in CCF. And it has been a privilege to serve in many leadership roles which has challenged me to depend on God more and more. Due to the nature of CCF, there are many meetings, logistics, emails back-and-forth involved in serving... and they can so distract me from seeing the main purpose of leadership. I believe that it is about people. Christian leadership is to influence people to move towards the God-ward direction. It is all about investing in people's lives. To encourage, support, challenge, rebuke, teach, guide, train, mentor the people who God has entrusted you with. One big reason is because Christianity is about faith expressing itself through love (Gal. 5:6), and this love is expressed and refined through relationship with people.

As leaders, we are to serve willingly as shepherds for the flock entrusted to us (1 Peter 5:2). I personally like to arrange to meet up with different people every week for a meal or coffee to chat and share how God has been working in our lives. Living at the CCF house (westcourt) gives me many opportunities to do that.

One key factor is to be intentional. It is so easy to get distracted, busy, or complacent with superficial conversations. It is important to have the intention to engage in edifying conversations.

After 5 years, an extra note of joy is to see how God has been actively working in the lives of the people who God has entrusted you with. You might not see fruits or results right away, but that's ok as God is who makes the seed grow. All the glory and praise is for God. It is really extra grace that we are vessels to be used by God to impact other people's lives. When you see that a person is bearing fruits from the Spirit and gaining more mature in Christ Jesus, it is a real joy.

Be intentional and mindful in your investment.

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