Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Know yourself better

Through serving, I was able to get to know myself more:

  • my weaknesses
  • my strengths
  • how much responsibilities I can handle
  • how do I react in midst of difficulties and pressure
  • what things I enjoy doing
  • etc...
In one of Mark Driscoll's coaching sessions, Prophet, Priest, King (you need to sign up to access it), he mentions that there are 3 main types of leaders: Prophet, Priest, King (related to Jesus' role). Since we are called Christians, the best example to follow is Jesus Himself.

The main characteristics of each type:
  • Prophet: good understanding of the truth revealed in Scripture, and gifted with teaching and exhortation.
  • King: proficient at planning, executing, implementing, managing initiatives. 
  • Priest: focused on caring for people, tending people's needs.
I had to privilege to serve in CCF committee, and it is neat to see the different leadership strengths and styles among fellow members. I notice each member is more leaning towards one type.

This does not mean that one person can only be of one type, but I think that as you get to know yourself better, you will find more identified with one type.

The goal is to help you understand yourself, and have more knowledge to discern how and where you can serve God, so that you can maximize your potential for the glory of God.

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