Monday, December 6, 2010


It has been a while since I last blogged. Somehow, I feel overwhelmed with full-time work, and it is so draining and consuming at times, that it is hard to get time to gain insight in my walk and to properly focus on God.

I plan to make some adjustments to re-calibrate myself. By the grace of God, I want to continue sharing about the things He teaches me, in my joys and in the sufferings.

Good to be back.


Anonymous said...

are you really up at this time? (2:57?)
I'm only up at this time cause I'm working in a paper. Why are you still up full time worker??

~manman said...

lol at first i just read the title so i thought you hurt your back. welcome back. back.

Jorge said...


to sajoy:
I think inside me, I still feel like a student :P

to manman:
-__- I acknowledge I am old, but not that old...

Giovanni said...

Welcome back!