Thursday, May 13, 2010

Missionary Student

I found another cool article in the Resurgence: 7 Ways to Be a Missionary in College

For a long time the aspect of evangelism has been criticized in CCF. There has been suggestions about making Friday nights (fellowship) more evangelistic focused. There are questions about why we aren't doing evangelistic events such as Lifesong (big drama production) or Coffeehouses anymore. Also, why there isn't a single CCF poster on campus? It is not a secret that CCF is weak in evangelism.

The common response is that the fellowship should start doing more evangelistic events to address this. I agree that this addresses the symptoms, but it doesn't target the root issue. I have seen that Lifesong is good by unifying the fellowship but it ends up being another CCF event lacking of a strong vision and failing to follow up with the very few non-Christians who attend.

The reason why events like Lifesong haven't happened for a while is because we were lacking in the fundamentals of our faith, so we wanted to focus on them. If we truly understand our faith, then evangelism should be more than natural. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) should be in our agenda everyday. Understanding the gospel should make me realize how much love and grace has been given to me, and that God uses me to make this gospel known to the people around me. Because the gospel is so good, that I should be excited to talk about Jesus to others. If I am conformed into the image of Christ, then I should feel compassion for the lost.

I believe that the fellowship should teach and challenge all of us to understand the gospel and live according to the gospel. We meet so many people in university that we should not be too comfortable in the CCF bubble, but seek to invest time in our non-Christian friends.

Though actions of love can speak volumes, I feel that it is important to engage in discussions to share the reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15). Because anyone can do actions of love, but we are ambassadors of Christ and we are given the privilege to share the gospel. And if we truly love our friends, then we should be more than compelled to share this message because it is about the salvation of their souls.

I am very weak in this area. It is not easy and it can be scary. But it's time for me to be more intentional and really live according to the gospel. I have been challenged by a brother who shared with me this quote from John Piper: "A silent servant-hood that never speaks the Gospel contradicts love."

I think personal evangelism is the way to go. I am not saying that evangelistic events are bad, but that instead of asking ourselves what the fellowship should do, first we should examine ourselves in our own lives.

Short clip from John Piper when he said the previous mentioned quote:

1 comment:

Bily said...

yea that article caught my eye too